(1 min read)


Biden promises to rebuild ties with African Union

The newly elected 46th US President; Joe Biden promised to rebuild his country’s partnership with the African Union (AU) moments after he delivered his first foreign policy speech since taking office.

His predecessor, Donald Trump, sparked a row in 2018 over his alleged use of the word “shithole” to describe African nations.

Mr. Trump later denied that he is racist.

Mr. Biden stated that;

“My administration is committing to rebuilding our partnership around the world and reengaging with international institutions like the African Union. …. We also must confront the serious challenges we face. That includes investing more in global health, defeating Covid-19 and working to prevent, detect and respond to future health crises, and partnering with the African CDC and other institutions to advance health security.”

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    Adeola is a world traveller and influencer focusing her area of travel on the continent of Africa, being her passion at her core. The aspiring writer wants to use her story to educate those about what different African countries are really like through the gaze of a first-generation British Nigerian. Her solo travels through the continent aim to inspire others giving not only her stories but useful facts about each country.

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