Zimbabwe, once a notorious safari hotspot, the country is slowly regaining stability. This is a landlocked country situated in southern Africa. Its neighbouring countries are Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. The capital city is Harare.

Fun Fact! The country doesn’t have its own currency!

If you’d like to know more interesting facts about this African country, click here.

So, let’s break this country up into PARTS.


The majority of the population are African predominantly from the Shona and Ndebele tribel. The country has 16 official languages which are Shona, Ndebele, English, Chewa, Chibarwe, Kalanga, Namya, Ndau, IsiNdebele, SeSotho, Tong, Tswana, TshiVenda and IsiXhosa.


If you’re in Harare why not visit the following;

Harare Gardens: A great get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The amazing garden is home to various bird species and is a spacious place to relax and take in the surrounding nature. Close by is the National Art gallery dedicated to Zimbabwe’s contemporary artwork. Why not check out what the country’s artwork is like.

National Heroes Acre: A national monument commemorating the people who dies in the Rhodesian Bush war.

Mukuvisi Woodlands is a nature reserve just outside of the city. It’s home to Zebras, gazelles, hundreds of birds and much more! Hwange National Park is another great national park home to the big 5.

Chapungu Sculptue park is an out of the box gallery. It shows the work of Zimbabwean stone sculptors.

The Balancing rocks on the outskirts of Harare are a geographical wonder, it’s worth the walk if you’d like to get a cheesy picture with it.

The Khami Ruins are a UNESECO World heritage site located 450km south of Harare. These historic ruins were once the Kalanga Kingdom of Butwa.

Victoria Falls is an absolute must! These are the largest waterfalls in the world located on the Zambia and Zimbabwe boarder. This place is a UNESECO World Heritage site and one of the worlds natural seven wonders and it’s not hard to see why! Words cannot describe how lifechanging this place is. You’ll just have to go and see it yourself and thank me later.

Rituals and Culture

The majority of the population are protestant with Catholicism being the country’s second largest religion.

The country’s staples are maize, fruits and vegetables. Some Zimbabwean specialities include; Sadza (maize porridge with vegetable stew), Biltong (spiced and dried meat) and Kapenta (fish)


– Currencies such as the South African Rand and the US Dollar are commonly used.

– It may be handy to have a phone with flash or a torch on your trip as lighting throughout the country, especially at night is still a problem.

For more travel advice check out; FCO: Travel Advice 

Outside of the UK: Please check your government’s travel advice carefully.

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