Also known as the ‘frying pan of the world’ this country is one of the hottest countries in the world and it isn’t hard to see why! Niger is a landlocked country, situated in West Africa. Its neighbouring countries are Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Libya. The capital is Niamey with the country’s currency being the West African Franc (CFA).

Fun Fact! The Nigersaurus was a dinosaur discovered in Niger and named after the country.

If you’d like to know more interesting facts about this African country, click here.

So, lets break this country up into PARTS.


The Hausa, Songhai, Tuareg, Fulani and Kanuri are the country’s largest ethnic groups.

French is the country’s official language with Hausa and Djerma also commonly spoken.


The W National Park; W National park is perfect for those animal loving travellers. This UNESECO World Heritage site lies between the Benin and Niger boarder home to extraordinary wildlife, from exotic birds to cheetahs, elephants and more!

Explore the streets of Agadez. This UNESECO World heritage site is a walk in the past. Developed in the 15th century, this is a town on the southern edge of the Sahara desert.

The Grand Mosque of Niamey, the largest mosque in the city has incredible architectural beauty.

Mont Bagzane. Why not trek up Mont Bagnaze; the country’s highest mountain located in the centre of Niger.

Air and Tenere Natural reserve is a UNESECO World heritage site and home to the largest protected area in Africa. From deserts, to canyons to water holes, this area contains some amazing biodiversity.

Rituals and Culture

Islam is the most popular religion with Christianity being the second largest. However, many people still follow their ethnic traditions with festivals such as the Salt Cure festival (Tuareg tribe) and the Guerewol festival (Wodaabe tribe) occuring annually.

Sorro Wrestlining is a traditional sport in the country and sure must work on an appetite. Some staple foods include vegetables and millet. Some local delicacies are: Djerma Stew (meat stew served with rice) and Dodo (Fried plantain)


– Protect your skin! Especially in the desert, you can imagine how hot the country can get. Remember to stay hydrated and pack lots of sunscreen on.

– Once the sun goes down in the desert, it can get very cold, so make sure you take this into consideration when booking your tour.

– Modesty is a must, especially as a woman. As the country is a Muslim country, foreign women and men should dress modestly to respect the culture.

– Learn the language. It may be useful to learn a little Arabic or French as English is not commonly spoken in smaller cities.

– Get the currency: It is better for you to get the local currency as it may be difficult to find ATMS outside of the big cities


For more travel advice check out; FCO: Travel Advice 

Outside of the UK: Please check your government’s travel advice carefully.




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