(3 mins read)

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, 24 prisoners who were accused of being behind the assassination of former President Laurent Kabila have been released after spending nearly two decades locked up. Many took to the streets of Kinshasa to celebrate as the 24 men were released from prison in the capital..

Many Congolese believe they were not complicit in the death of Kabila but were scapegoats for the 2001 assassination. Amongst those now free is Eddy Kapend the former army chief of staff.

President Joseph Kabila repeatedly resisted calls to pardon the prisoners – eleven of whom died whilst in custody. So a decision by President Tshisekedi to free them is controversial. This is as for years Mr Tshisekedi was in a coalition with Joseph Kabila. But a deep rift has clearly developed between DR Congo’s two most powerful politicians.



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    Adeola is a world traveller and influencer focusing her area of travel on the continent of Africa, being her passion at her core. The aspiring writer wants to use her story to educate those about what different African countries are really like through the gaze of a first-generation British Nigerian. Her solo travels through the continent aim to inspire others giving not only her stories but useful facts about each country.

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