Now it ain’t no secret, being a solo traveller gets lonely!

Though, it’s been an amazing way to get out of my comfort zone and meet new awesome people across the world, I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a tad bit jealous of travel couples.

Arriving in Cape Verde, the first thing I noticed was the country’s beauty. Unlike any other place i’d been to before, the country has some incredible natural landscapes and the beauty doesn’t stop there.

The locals ALL look like supermodels!

Was I in heaven? I wasn’t quite sure but what I did know is that I wasn’t about to spend 2 months in this country without having a Cape Verdean lover. 

Hopping on some dating apps, it was evident that they weren’t really used in Cape Verde.

It was frustrating matching and talking to people only to realise that they were on other islands. But I did finally match with a guy and we started talking. He was just my type; tall, dark and handsome.

A little while later we went on our first date. We met at a renowned pizzeria on the island and it was a little awkward.

He definitely wasn’t a catfish or worse a hatfish (thank God) but the conversation didn’t flow as it did online – mainly because it was clear that he’d been using google translate online.

Though my Portuguese wasn’t terrible I was shy to speak it. After the restaurant we went for a nice walk along the beach.

We then spontaneously headed to a few bars and clubs before finally heading back.

The night was amazing! And what started out as a slightly uncomfortable date turned into one of the better dates I’d had in a while.

We had a few more dates in the weeks to follow and everything was going great! Until it didn’t.

His responses became infrequent, on the verge of disrespectful. I was a little bummed because things were going great in the beginning, but that’s how it usually goes with dating online.

He did eventually apologise about it and asked to meet that weekend to explain himself. I agreed and we went for a nice walk.

He told me that his phone was actually stolen recently (petty crime is unfortunately quite common in Cape Verde) and he was using his computer at work to contact me. Well, only a horrible person would still be angry after hearing that so I left the matter.

We were together now and that’s all that mattered, right?

We got to know each other a little more and both spoke about our previous relationships. He spoke about his ex and how she left him in search of a better future in Portugal.

Luckily they didn’t have any children together so the split was a little easier.

Call me naive but as he was talking I started to picture an ‘us’ but fate quickly snapped me out of it by deciding otherwise.

Time passes and though we still spoke, it wasn’t the same as before, it’s hard keeping a spark alive when it takes 2 days to get a response.

I figured it wasn’t meant to be and moved on, focusing my energy on other things. I had an amazing time exploring the islands and partying Cape Verdean style.

Two weeks later, and it’s my last night in Cape Verde, my friend suggests we head out to celebrate.

The party animal I am could never refuse an invitation to the dancefloor so we head to our usual few clubs and dance the night away.

I look over to see whose eyes are on me and to my surprise, see my potential Cape Verdean lover in the club. I was about to approach him when I also noticed a woman with him, and they looked real friendly together.

Though he wasn’t my boyfriend, it did hurt and it ruined my night, so much so, that me and my friend left shortly afterwards.

He later messaged me explaining that his ex-girlfriend returned from Portugal and that they’re now back together. 

I wished him luck, boarded my flight and left it there.

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